Since it's my Mom's first visit to the Netherlands and we are from "super small town Illinois" she is experiencing a lot of things for the first time. I'll share some pictures as we take them.
Here we are meeting in the airport. We had a sign that said "Grandma Kelly! It's me... Sadie!" with a welcome helium balloon. Here's the shot we took after finally finding my Mom in the airport (she got lost, long story):

Here is my Mom's first ride on the tram with Marco and Sadie:

We've decided that nobody wants to see pictures of you standing like a statue in front of stuff so we'v decided every picture will be us standing in front of stuff making asses out of ourselves. It seems to work for us. Here we are in front of the Rijk Museum where Rembrants works are displayed. (the one of us on the canal by the weeping willow tree and we're weeping is great!)

And of course, the star of the show... little Miss Sadie!
Wow, Sadie is sure growing! Her face is really developing, too. You know how lots of times babies look similar when they are very very young and then their faces become more distinct as they get older. I find myself thinking, "Oh, I could totally pick her out in a line-up now!" Not that she would be in a line-up...sorry, I'm weird like that :)
Considering you make "thumbs up" gestures in a lot of your past pictures, does that mean you are making an ASS of yourself in those as well? Just a thought....ponder it for a bit.
You know, I never knew you were from small-town Illinois... I am too! Where are you from/what is it by?
Sadie looks exactly like her dad! Its amazing. I'm sure you have people tell you that all the time. Looks like you and your mom are having lots of fun. So glad she was able to come over and spend some time with you guys. Enjoy!
I grew up in Monticello, which is 20 miles west of Champaign-Urbana, where I live now!
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