Sunday, September 07, 2008

I cannot freaking wait!!!!!

That's me and my Mom, April 2007 when Marco and I were 'home' for my brother's wedding. That was the last time we were together, in the flesh. And now it's September 2008 and we're about to be this close once again:
Yep, that's right... my Mom is on her way over to see us! She leaves on Monday evening from St. Louis and will arrive here... in the Netherlands... where I am... where I live... where she's never been...and my Mom is going to be here!!! Right here in the very house where I write this very blog entry from! I cannot believe it! And I cannot wait to see her face at the airport! And I cannot wait to see her meet Sadie for the first time. And I cannot wait to see her reaction to all of the different things in Holland. And I cannot wait to wake up and have coffee with her and Marco and Sadie and just be able to go over and give her a hug any time I want to. And I can't wait to sit with her on the couch with my daughter and make silly faces and crazy noise to make Sadie laugh and laugh with her. I just cannot wait!
My Dad doesn't know what he's going to be missing!

Did I mention that I cannot wait! Is it Tuesday yet?!?!?? (although this last sentence is true, it's also a little inside joke put out there just for Keith and Josh. mwah!)


All About Amelia said...

sarah -
i can not imagine life without my mom and i would feel the same way if i were you! my mom came after #2was born for a week and we both cried when she left - and she lives 30 mins away!! only 30 mins! there is nothing like having your mom there - that's for sure! have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Is it Tuesday yet???!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

C U Next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Im sooo excited for you both. I know it is killing aunt karen that she hasnt kissed all over that beautiful baby yet! Ill pray for a safe trip and a great time for you all! I love you guys and cant wait till you come home! Lissa

Melaina25 said...

Aww, my Mommy is arriving today too!

Cath said...

Hope you have a great time!

Teri said...

How exciting, Sarah! Keep us posted on all the fun!