Friday, October 02, 2009

Whirlwind - the only way to describe it

So lots and lots and lots of stuff has happened since I've posted last. Our vacation was awesome. We got to spend so much more time with my parents this time which was really nice. I didn't get to see a few people that are always on my "to see" list due to some bad circumstances (sorry Teena!) but we did get to see some family members that we hadn't seen in our last couple of trips.

We had a second 1st birthday party for Sadie (actually a 13.5 month birthday party!) and all of my nices and nephews came. It was great to have all of the kids there. A few days before we left Sadie started having a bit of stranger anxiety but she was good around her cousins, it was more the adults that she had the aversion to. She would give them this look, the hair eyeball, where she'd scowl at anybody who looked her direction. She didn't really mean it though because as soon as they would turn away or stop looking at her she'd wave her arm off at them. Crazy kid.

It went too fast and the final goodbyes were as hard as ever. Getting on the scale once I was home was no trip to the zoo either. I gained between 6-8 pounds while vacationing which was to be expected, really.

When we got back I turned on my cell phone to have a wonderful voice mail from one of the recruiters I've been working with asking me to call her because she had a position she thought I'd be interested in. (I've been looking for a new job since January). So in less than 30 minutes after arriving home (on Monday) I had an interview lined up for the very next morning. I went to the interview on Tuesday and by Wednesday evening I had an offer and accepted it! I typed out my resignation letter that night and on my first day back from vacation I gave my boss my one month notice. My God what a week!

Then of course we're all dealing with jet lag and Sadie had her 14 month shots Thursday which has made her feverish, whiny, clingy and just not feeling well. Poor girl. That combined with jet lag had kept her up about every hour through the night which is killing Marco and I. I hope she gets it worked out soon because Mommy is looking rough to say the least.

speak of the devil...


sunny smiles said...

Congrats on the new job!

becklette said...

HOORAY! i'm so happy for your new job, lady, SOOOOO happy.