Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Fat" is not a personality trait.

I was pretty lucky growing up. I never got teased for being a chubby kid. Even as an adult I never really "suffered" from my obesity like the horror stories you hear on TV or read about on Facebook, with kids being tortured on the playground and adults who are ashamed to come out of their houses or be in social situations. I was never so awkward that I wouldn't go to my prom or meet new people. I was just never all that bothered with my weight. Even in a size 22/24 I still managed to feel pretty good about myself most of the times. I do realize how very lucky I am for that... my parents must have done a great job in that department! (thanks Mom and Dad!)

I've always had a bit of a mouth on me though so maybe that was why I was never a target for fat jokes or taunting. I've learned to filter over the years but I'm still not one to take too much bull from anybody without stepping in and setting the story straight rather quickly. I realize not everybody has the same attitude (or the self esteem or whatever it is) to do that though and I am writing this post for some of those people who have just never had the balls to say anything.

Being fat is not part of my personality. I can lose weight, gain weight, have lipo, get implants, cut off limbs, grow a third arm and that still wouldn't change me from the person I am now. I will still be a witty (read: mouthy smartalek) character when I'm at my goal weight, just like I was when I was at my rock bottom weight.

Being overweight doesn't mean I am lazy. I have worked my butt off at every job I've ever had. I've never had a problem keeping up with my thinner colleagues and in most situations I could work circles around them.

At one point in my life I was in between jobs when an uncle thought he should let me know that if I didn't lose weight I would never be able to find a job because people just didn't hire fat people. I, of course, got a job almost immediately and worked my way up the ladder within the company in a short period of time. When I left they were sorry to see my un-thin ass walk out the door. So that blows that theory.

Regardless of my experiences in life there are certain "visions of sugar plumps that dance in your head" when people think of the an overweight person. Just to set the record straight and to leave you with a clearer picture of those jazz handed dancers, here is the scoop:

Being fat doesn't mean that I'm jolly or jovial.

It doesn't mean that I am mean or bitter.

It also doesn't mean that I want to be thin or that I'm jealous of those who are.

It doesn't mean that I'm depressed.

It doesn't mean that I'm out of control.

It doesn't mean I'm dirty.

It doesn't make me ugly.

It doesn't make me unqualified for the job.

It doesn't mean I have no willpower.

It doesn't make me stupid.
It doesn't mean I'm sloppy.
It doesn't mean I'm unlovable.
It doesn't mean I'm unworthy.
It doesn't mean I'm weak.

Being overweight doesn't define me... it doesn't define anyone. I hope we all can recognize that in our daily lives.


Anonymous said...

I think you're becoming TSB.

Nisha said...

You are absolutely correct! This is by far one of my favorite posts.

Nisha said...

And... what's TSB?

Nisha said...

Oh! I think that the T threw me off. I stole that term and just referred to them as SB's on mine.

Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm just reading through your archives as I just added you to my Feedreader. This rocks!! I, too, had very little in the form of teasing, etc., and it astounds me some of the things I've heard that people have gone through. Your list is awesome and totally true!